The Energy Saving Advice Service is a new centralised government-funded telephone advice service that offers impartial energy-saving advice to homes and businesses.
The advice service signposts callers to a wide range of organisations that can help install energy-saving measures in their homes and reduce their fuel bills. It will also support the Green Deal and the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) as these schemes develop.
The new telephone number for the service is 0300 123 1234. The advice provided is free, but calls are charged at the standard national rates. Or email
There are plenty of web sites and phone advice lines with advice about energy saving.
Warm and Well is South Gloucestershire's advice website with advice on local grants and installers. They also have an advice phone line at 0800 500 3076, or text WARM to 83010. This service is run by Severn Wye Energy Agency (SWEA), who have a website with energy saving advice.
Bristol Green Doors organises open days of demonstration homes that have done energy saving things in the Bristol area. It also has lots of general advice and courses.
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has energy advice about home energy saving. It is a national charity based in Bristol.
Energy Saving Trust (EST) is a government agency providing official energy saving advice.
Bristol Green Doors organises open days of demonstration homes that have done energy saving things in the Bristol area. It also has lots of general advice about homes and courses.
Did you know that each year, video recorders and televisions consume around £150 million worth of electricity while on standby mode. Saving electricity is a double win because it saves money and harmful greenhouse emissions at the same time. Roughly speaking, a £360 electricity bill equates to 1000kg of CO2 and would fill six Double-Decker buses. Find out what you can do without spending any money.
In January 2013, several Government schemes to help with energy efficiency measures came to an end. They are to be replaced by the Green Deal and by Energy Company Obligations in due course. The information here will be updated as arrangements becomer clearer. Click here for information about these schemes.
Did you know that around 20% of the heat in the average home is lost through ventilation and draughts? Here’s our guide to stopping the unwanted draughts and for adding ventilating to your home where required.
Did you know that around half of heat loss in a typical home is through the walls and loft, so it's worth checking whether yours are insulated properly.
Insulating your cavity walls and loft can significantly reduce your heating bills, especially when combined with draught proofing, tank and pipe insulation and double-glazing.
There may also be grants and offers available to help you get properly insulated. Contact your local Energy Efficiency Advice Centre on 0800 512 012.
Did you know in most homes, lighting accounts for around 10 -15% of an electricity bill.
Depending on how long your lights are in use every day, just one energy saving lightbulb could save you on average around £3 a year, and up to £6 for brighter bulbs or those used for more hours a day. And because it will last up to 10 times longer than a standard bulb, it could save you around £45 before it needs replacing.
Fit all the lights in your house with energy saving bulbs and you could save around £50 a year and £675 over the lifetime of all of the bulbs.These savings do take into account the higher cost of energy saving lightbulbs. These days, the average price is around £2 a bulb, so you'll usually recoup the extra outlay within a year.
Did you know that around a third of heat loss in an un-insulated home is through the walls and windows?
There are other websites that will give you plenty of tips to save energy such as the UK government website Act on CO2, the Energy Saving Trust and the Energy Neighbourhoods sites.