Some people can get help to make energy efficiency improvements in their homes. You can find information at The Energy Saving Trust or by phoning the Energy Saving Advice Service on 0300 123 1234. Or email
A Government-backed scheme to help you make cost-effective energy saving improvements. Instead of paying for the full cost of the improvements up front, you pay over time through a charge added to your electricity bill.
Funding from the big six energy suppliers to support energy improvements for people on certain benefits, for those in solid wall properties and for households in the poorest parts of the country.
South Glos residents can get help from the Bristol-based Centre for Sustainable Energy. Call free on 0800 082 2234 or email There is a printable leaflet about current help.
Here is a brief guide to the current grants available to South Gloucestershire residents (as at Jan 2013):
South Gloucestershire Council runs a scheme for homeowners and privately renting tenants which can help you to a warmer, healthier home.
The Warm & Well Advice Line(landline freephone 0800 500 3076) is run by SWEA (South West Energy Advice) on behalf of South Gloucestershire. They can give advice on insulation, renewables, reducing energy use and bills, as well as signpost to useful organisations for specific advice or funding, as well as for the Warm & Well scheme.
Warm & Well can offer a range of discounts and grants as well as general advice. Warm and Well is for loft insulation and cavity wall insulations. It is particularly aimed at keeping people healthy in their homes. Advice is available to everyone.
There is currently (Jan 2013) some funding available which means that some people in receipt of certain benefits can receive a grant towards Loft and Cavity wall insulation.
If you are in one of the following groups you may be eligible for free insulation, subject to survey and funding:
* Qualifying components
There is currently a transition period for grant funding as the system moves from the Carbon Emission Reduction Target (CERT) grants to Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding. If you do not fall into the category above, during this transition stage the Warm and Well scheme can take your details, and they will be in contact if more grant funding becomes available.
If you would like any further information please call the Warm and Well advice line on 0800 500 3076.