We look for solutions that we can use in our area around Thornbury in South Gloucestershire. We run practical projects and campaigns on food, energy, waste and transport and hold public events. We publish hints and tips and links to other organisations. We work with the people, organisations and Councils in the area to make things happen. We sometimes respond to consultations. We get together from time to time to discuss what we are doing and to inform ourselves. We also publish an occasional bulletin to let our members know what we are doing and planning.
We currently have three ongoing groups that meet and do practical things in the area:-
We want to promote and encourage sustainable transport, to reduce pollution, reduce congestion and reduce our fossil fuel use.
The Give n Take website was launched by the MyThornbury team at the EcoFair. The aim of the website is to advertise to find new homes for unwanted but useful items. Everything is free. It is a similar idea to our Give-It-Away Take-It-Away Days.
The website is a bit like Freecycle or Freegle, but covers only the Thornbury area, so you know all items will be local. This means less travelling to collect things, so if you want you can put on items that are bulky or of low value but usable.
Give n Take can be used for items not acceptable to charity shops, such as electrical and electronic goods, furniture, plants, food, building materials and car parts. The taker takes 'as seen' and entirely at their own risk. Items must be offered free, and usually the person taking the item collects. All items must be legal.
You can see and download the Give n Take poster.