Below is a selection of past and current press releases. Please contact us for further details.
We also have a large collection of photos of past events.
Date |
Subject |
Electric Car Day |
Launch of Energy-Smart Homes Trail |
Open homes wanted |
Thornbury Give n Take website |
EcoFair details |
EcoFair announcement |
Creative Recycling Competition |
EcoFair announcement |
'Peak Oil – Imposed by Nature' and 'The Power of Community' film show |
'A Crude Awakening' film show |
Climate change talk |
Transition Town |
Age of Stupid filmshow |
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away day report |
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away day announcement |
Peak Oil talk, local press |
Peak Oil talk, parish magazines |
Microhydro talk |
Visioning workshop for Thornbury in 2030 |
Plastic bag Thornbury final survey results |
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away day report |
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away day announcement |
Launch of plastic bag reduction campaign |
General news |
Bag making workshop |
"Message in the Waves" film show report |
"Message in the Waves" film show announcement |
Plastic bag initial survey results |
General news |
Energy efficiency |