This page includes news and background information about Sustainable Thornbury.
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Young Zoe Bonnett (daughter of Sustainable Thornbury co-ordinator) was an organiser of the climate strike in Bristol on Friday 15 February. Well done Zoe!
If you want to get together informally with other like-minded people, come to Green Drinks and Hawkes House on the first Wednesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm.
We support the objectives of the Plastic-Free Thornbury initiative, because of the damage plastic waste is doing in our oceans and in the environment generally. We look forward to working with them to reduce local plastic waste, particularly single use plastics.
Plastic-Free Thornbury organised a clean up of Streamside Walk on Saturday 27 October, from 9am until 12:30. For more details, see the poster.
If you want to cut your use of plastics, see the Friends of the Earth guide. They also have a guide to campaigning about plastics.
We are looking again at the possibility of generating electricity from the Oldbury tidal reservoir. We had an article about this in the Gazette in 2007. More here.
We are thinking about opening low-carbon homes, so that others can see what is possible, and talk about the practicalities. If you have a low-carbon house in the Thornbury area and would like to show off what you have done please contact us.
This year's AGM was held on Wednesday 20 June at The Chantry. See the AGM page for the details. We elected new chair and treasurer, and agreed to donate £450 to The Chantry for sustainable improvements to the building.
Our work continues with other Thornbury residents and the Town Council to produce a Neighbourhood Plan. This is an exciting opportunity to get some of our ideas into official policy.
Bath and North East Somerset Council seems to have taken up our Give-it-away-Take-it-Away idea. They are running Give and Take days on a regular basis around their area.
Giving and Taking in Thornbury
Thanks to our generosity of spirit and reluctance to throw out perfectly good "stuff", here in Thornbury we have taken steps to saving nearly one item every day from our rubbish bins over the last year. Thornbury Give-n-Take was launched on at Sustainable Thornbury's 2012 Eco-fair, and has been steadily building in popularity. It was set up by My Thornbury as part of their website, and we are extremely grateful to them for this.
It's a simple idea – if you have something taking up space that feels too good to bin, post it up on Give-n-Take, and see if someone else would like it. You won't make any money, but it'll save you the bother of getting rid of it, and you gain both the space and the satisfaction of making someone else's day!
You can even use Give-n-take to request an item that could be gathering dust in another Thornbury loft or garage. Items don't even have to be working - if you think your broken whatnot might be useful to someone, list it and find out. Give n Take can be used for items not acceptable to charity shops, such as electrical and electronic goods, furniture, plants, food, building materials and car parts. The taker takes 'as seen' and entirely at their own risk. Items must be offered free, and usually the person taking the item collects. All items must be legal.
Since Give-n-take began, over 350 items have been posted as offers or wants, from chest freezers to Star Trek fact files, and even a kitchen sink!
To join in the fun, visit and click on Give-n-take.
You can see and download the Give n take poster.
ST now has a Facebook group. and a Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, you can get news from our Facebook group by joining it. Anyone can see our Facebook page.
ST also has a Yahoo group called SustThornbury, which is an opportunity to exchange ideas and chat with other ST members. To join click on the graphic below. You need to be signed up to Yahoo groups, which you will be if you are on Freecycle.
Click to join the Sustainable Thornbury Facebook group
Sustainable Thornbury is a community group focussed on the market town of Thornbury and the surrounding area in South Gloucestershire, England. We are concerned about global warming and peak oil, so we are trying to make our town more sustainable. We are a Transition Initiative. More ...
The group is currently working on energy. We also have a Grow-your-own-Food self-help group. More ...
If you want to receive regular news, you can get our Bulletin by email. To do this, please become a member or give us your contact details. You can also see what is happening on the What We Are Doing page, and our Facebook page.
We have run projects and campaigns on waste, local food, energy efficiency, reducing plastic bags, developing skills and reusing goods. More ...
We sometimes have public talks, film shows and discussions for anyone who wants to know more about climate change, energy, food, waste, transport and related topics.
Most of our projects and campaigns are run by working groups. We get together as necessary, usually in the evenings, for the whole group and for each of the working groups. If you would like to come to meetings and help out, please contact us. A list of planned meetings and events is on our Diary dates page.
We need more members so that we can show we have the support of local people. Membership entitles you to get our email bulletin, so please join us.