Here are some links to other web sites that may be useful.
Sustainable Thornbury's Facebook page.
Sustainable Thornbury is not responsible for the content of any of the following web sites and does not necessarily agree with the views expressed in them.
Thornbury Harvest Co-operative
Thornbury Fair Foods (for local food)
EcoJam (Bristol-based environment network)
Freecycle South Gloucestershire
Gloss FM (South Gloucestershire's occasional radio station, formerly Thornbury FM)
The Transitions Initiatives organisation has a lot of web space, including:-
A video of a talk by Rob Hopkins and his slide show with synchronised audio.
South Gloucestershire Friends of the Earth
Centre for Alternative Technology (a climate change campaign)
Power Switch (about peak oil)
Sustrans cycling organisation
Campaign for Better Transport (formerly Transport 2000)
Forum for the Future (sustainability consultants)
The Converging World (support for community energy saving and generating projects)
Windmill Hill City Farm - including courses on skills
The Story of Stuff - brilliant movies and material on consumption
Go Zero (Chew Magna)
The Story of Stuff - Bottled Water
Act on CO2 (UK government climate change campaign - lots of information and advice)
The latest official UK forecasts of climate change have been produced by the UK Climate Impacts Programme. They have published an explanation of the forecasts and the answers to frequently asked questions.