A small group has been looking at waste, thinking about how to reduce it and what to do with waste. The first project was to create a Reuse and Recycle Directory on this website with lots of information about how to dispose of waste in a way that is environment-friendly. You can also download the Reuse and Recycle Directory as a printable PDF (296 KB).
Sustainable Thornbury is interested in ways of producing less waste, finding a home for useful waste, and disposing of waste for recycling. For example, we have run several Give-it-away Take-it-away days where people from the area can leave useful but unwanted items that other people can take away. This works well for items charity shops cannot take, such as furniture and electrical goods.
We have also looked at online ways of connecting people who have waste with those who want it. The Give n Take website was launched by the MyThornbury team at the EcoFair. The aim of the website is to advertise to find new homes for unwanted but useful items. It covers only the Thornbury area, so you know all items will be local, and you can use it for large and low value items.
We also support Freecycle South Gloucestershire, which is very good for more valuable items that are worth travelling for.
Waste usually means the packaging, left-over bits and broken things we no longer want. A lot of that waste goes in our bins to the Council, who try to recycle or compost it. But it could include wastage of energy, water and other resources. We have web pages with hints and tips for reducing all sorts of waste.