The 2009 Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 20th May in the Stuart Room at the Chantry, starting at 7:30pm.
The agenda is below, with links to last year's minutes, the proposed amendments to the constitution and the existing constitution. Click here for the minutes.
elect all our officers each year. The membership secretary indicated that she did not wish her name to go forward again for
the post. All other officers were willing
to continue but we encouraged anyone who wanted to get involved to
put their names forward for any of the following posts:
Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Chair, Membership
The formal business was followed by a discussion about being a Transition Initiative. We had choices to make about how we approach being a Transition Initiative; for example we could have set up a steering group or we might have regarded the work of the steering group as already done.
Formal Business
Newly-elected Chair takes over meeting