We are planning a project on energy in 2013. To help with the planning, below are links to some useful resources for community energy projects.
For practical ideas on how to take action on climate change, see the new One Home website.
The Wey Valley Solar project was set up explicitly to be an example to other potential projects. Their websites include all the documents they produced, as examples.
CSE new resources relating to the Green Deal and the opportunities for community groups: a short film, PlanLocal
The Source website set up by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) with guides and tools for community energy projects.
Centre for Sustainable Energy – an organisation which aims to help people and organisations from the public, private and voluntary sector meet the twin challenges of rising energy costs and climate change. Their website has lots of useful resources in particular details of useful tools, a series of Plan LoCaL videos and guides, and energy advice leaflets.
Carbon Leapfrog is a business-led charity that galvanises and channels high-value, professional advice from leading service providers across a range of disciplines including legal, finance, marketing and consultancy into UK
The Co-operative Enterprise Hub supports businesses to do business the co-operative way. It offers free, professional advice and training to help co-operatives get off the ground or grow.
The Key Fund provides a mixture of flexible grant, loan and equity packages to support Social Enterprise activity in certain parts of the country.
They have a case study and some downloadable resources including a business planning guide.
Energy4All works primarily with community groups and landowners, to develop renewable energy projects that are wholly or partially owned by a community co-operative.
A sister website, Energy4All Steps, aims to provide clear and practical information on the process of building wind farms and projects.
Co-operative and Community Finance is a lender for social purpose which provides sympathetic loan finance to enable people to take control of their economic lives and create social benefit. They are looking at ways to provide expert advice and risk finance in the feasibility stages of renewable energy projects.
Community Shares is an action learning research project is examining the potential of community shares and bonds as a way to attract extra investment.
The Co-operative Bank – recently pledged to increase lending to renewable energy projects.
Low Carbon Communities Net work was formed to link, network and support the rapidly growing movement of climate change groups that are forming at a local and community level. Its aim is to create a network of sustainable communities that offers mutual support, materials and infrastructure to make them more effective and efficient in collective action and lobbying for a low carbon future.
Rough Guide to Community Energy - written in the style of the ‘Rough Guide’ travel series this publication includes lots of practical advice and useful case studies.
Starting a Co-operative – a Co-operative factsheet
Co-operatives UK is the national trade body that campaigns for co-operation and works to promote, develop and unite co-operative enterprises.
Co-operative renewable energy in the UK: a guide to this growing sector – report with case studies
Co-operatives UK – ‘Simply’ series: publications designed to support the set-up and governance of co-operative and community enterprises.
Simply start-up - A guide for anyone involved in the creation of an enterprise that will be owned by, run by, and supported by the community in which it operates.
Simply legal - A detailed guide covering all you need to know about legal forms and organisational types for community enterprises.
Simply Finance - a comprehensive guide to the different options for financing a community enterprise.
Simply Governance - A comprehensive guide to understanding the systems and processes concerned with the running of a sustainable community enterprise.
Feed-in tariff rates, official Ofgem website, explained on EST pages