We are hoping to produce occasional newsletters in the near future. The newsletter will be black and white and printed on paper. It will be sent to interested people such as Councillors, and distributed through Thornbury library and at our events and on our stalls. Members will receive the newsletter electronically.
We need more help to produce the newsletter, so if you would like to help please contact us.
If you would like to have the newsletter posted to you please contact us. We would appreciate a donation to cover the printing and postage.
The newsletter will be an occasional update to tell the public what has been happening, and keeping them up-to-date with events that are coming up. Most members will get it as an email, which is much easier and cheaper for us.
We are looking for news (especially photos) and notices to put in the next newsletter. Notices might be forthcoming events or requests for help. Newsletter items can be longer than bulletin items. If you have done something or want to tell our members about something, please contact the newsletter team.