Workshop 26 January
2013: Taking
forward the Energy Project
to Workshop
and Meetings
Andrew M, Andy O’B, Nick, Judith, Bob D, Brett,
Felicity, Marion R, Barbara, Ray, Paula, Margaret P, Alan P
What are we trying to achieve?
Table 1 tablecloth ideas
- Could
do energy generation (electricity or heat) or energy
- Community
windmill, or maybe water mill?
- Influence
housing developers to build sustainably
- Energy
saving: set up trained energy assessors
- Target which building
homes (owner-occ, rented, homes, blocks of flats), businesses,
public (schools)
- Roles: Persuade
(to improve), advise
improvements, where to get grants and help), help
(survey, assess, install)
- Target
audiences: easy (well off, energy aware) or hard
(fuel and cash poor)
- Advertise
and publicise what is out there
- Use an
empty shop for an occasional clinic
- Most
building are 70’s built: double glazed (but failing),
cavity walls (maybe not filled), some insulation
- Demonstration
buildings – learn from Green Doors, SWEA
package to set up similar.
graphic, drawn by Andrew M as discussion notes:-
- New
build, standards raising, lobbying
- Energy
saving, coaching, Chantry as demo building
- Chantry,
energy saving, energy generation, education, demonstration
- Loft
insulation, demonstration houses, stall in empty SMC shops
- Community
wind turbine?
Table 2 ideas
reduce Thornbury area’s net energy consumption
through tackling energy use/waste
- Insulation of homes
- Changing behaviours and
attitudes – make wasting energy as socially unacceptable as
smoking has become
- Tackle commercial and
community premises also
This could be done in a variety
of ways such as publicity (in many forms)
and also practical help e.g.
- Help to individuals through
CSE scheme to assist over-50s in fuel poverty,
- Provide energy clinic
through CSE
- Provide regular (weekly?)
energy clinics locally e.g. in library
through community energy generation e.g.
- A solar array at Rock St Car
- Potentially community
participation in M48 wind turbines
How do we take this forward?
Joint Session
groups looking at virtually same aims.
how we might take forwards these ideas.
from Andy (O’Brien): to provide information on Wadebridge
model of social
enterprise company, which has long term vision and is taking steps in
many of
the above areas. This was strongly supported by Andrew and endorsed by
after discussion.
about issues to consider:
- Having
ambitious goals but taking numerous
smaller steps to achieve this
- Setting
measurable targets to chart progress
- Consider
business model (such as social
enterprise company) and how this would impact/relate to ST as currently
set up.
- Progress
should consider both effort and money i.e.
how much to be provided through volunteers and how much would be paid
- Relationship
between any paid employees with
- Generating
income / grant funding to be explored
work to be done now
- Andy
to produce information about Wadebridge and
other possible proposals
- Andy
to keep everyone up to date with
negotiations about community involvement with M48 turbines and any
for Bristol Energy to assist with Chantry project to put on solar panels
- Continue
Chantry project
- Follow
up South Glos’ offer of money for
community energy projects to establish how much/when/any restrictions
on how it
is spent.
- Take
up CSE’s offer to provide staffing for an
Energy Clinic
- Consider
feasibility study of solar array over
Rock St Car Park
- Check
with South Glos about land at Lodge Farm –
possibility of solar array?
- Consider
survey of Thornbury (area?) solar panel
owners to establish approx current generation stats
- Mini-Marshfield
e.g. take some typical Thornbury
houses & retrofit insulation as demonstration homes / thermal
- Investigate
possibility of setting up an energy
pricing consortium to negotiate cheaper energy for households
- Consider
energy assessor training for volunteers
- Consider
opening local show homes / link with
Bristol Green Doors or separately
- Set
up contacts with local groups to gain
support/help e.g. Age UK
volunteers to take on some of the above tasks
Final discussion
some discussion about the scale of what we are trying
to do. Bob pointed out that we have limited time and energy to do much
ourselves, but we have options to employ one or more people and use
rather than effort. Andy O’B said he would like to move from
his current job to
put time into running an energy project if there were enough funds to
pay him.
was unanimous agreement that we should go for an
ambitious project to create a step change in the Thornbury area,
employing one or more people, as opposed to a modest project such as a