This Bulletin includes news about:
Thornbury Give'n'Take website
The Give'n'Take website
is now up and running! Many thanks to MyThornbury
for setting it up. The idea is to find new homes for useful but
unwanted things that you would otherwise throw away. Everything is free.
It is a similar idea to our
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away Days.
The website is a bit like Freecycle
or Freegle,
but covering only the Thornbury area.
This means less travelling to collect things, so if you want you can put on
items that are bulky or of low value but usable.
We think it is very easy to use. You will need to register to use the
website. You choose a username, so you can be more or less anonymous.
You can either post things you have or things you want.
The taker then normally collects the item, but you can arrange to meet somewhere.
The Energy Project
We are planning some work on
energy topics. The details are still to be agreed,
but we expect it to include:-
- publicising energy matters;
- learning about energy;
- offering basic advice;
- publicising grants, loans and sources of more detailed advice;
- setting up demonstration homes;
- helping community groups;
- working with Gloucestershire and Bristol community energy groups.
If you would like to offer your home as a demonstration home or help define, plan and set up this project
then please email
or ring Alan on 416778.
Thornbury Community Plan
Thornbury Town Council
is starting a process to draw up a Community Plan for Thornbury. They held a public meeting on 10th May
to gather ideas for the plan. The plan will be written by the community, approved (or not) by a local referendum
and carried out by the community. ST wants to contribute to the plan to ensure it is sustainable, and
expects to be involved in its implementation.
EcoFair, Saturday 19 May 2012
The EcoFair
was very successful, though the weather was not as good as last time.
Well done everyone involved, and thank you, especially to the EcoFair team.
About 580 people paid to come in, plus 250 helpers, entertainers and stallholders, so not far short of last time, and we had the same sort of buzz. The weather was dry and cool, so we did well. Photos and more details will be posted on the website soon.
Learning about Energy
On Thursday 19 July the topic for the South Glos Environment Forum is
Community Energy Planning.
7pm to 9pm, at
Winterbourne International Academy.
Please email to if you are going.
The Centre for Sustainable Energy
has lottery funding for a big 3 year
energy project in the former Avon area. They are looking for volunteers (aged
over 50) to train up to be energy advisers for community events and home
visits. Email
or ring 0117 9341 448 for more details.
Annual General Meeting
Sustainable Thornbury held its
Annual General Meeting
on Wed 23 May. Alan Pinder is our new chair.
Thanks to a £1000 donation from Ethical Solar, we now have over £2000 in the bank.
Get Growing Day
Thornbury joined in with
Get Growing Day on Sunday 10th June with three community projects -
Thornbury Harvest Co-op,
the Thornbury community orchard
and Filnore allotments.
There were some visitors in spite of the rain, mostly from Bristol.
We have a Facebook group and a Facebook page.
If you are on Facebook, do have a look, join the group, like the page
and share with your friends. If you are not on Facebook, you can still
see the Facebook page.
Discussions and planning
The next three meetings are on Wed 25 July (discussing how to improve Thornbury),
Wed 22 August (discussing the energy project)
and Wed 26 September (a talk on community energy by the
Centre for Sustainable Energy).
We have discussions and plan what we are doing at meetings on the fourth Wednesday of most months at 7:30pm at The
The first hour or so is often a talk or general discussion that we call
Sustainability Forum. Then we have a tea break and talk about what the
project groups are doing. All are welcome.
Grow Your Own Food
The Grow Your Own Food group
has a meeting most months, usually on a Thursday at 7:30pm. The next
meeting is Thursday 9 August, visiting Thornbury Harvest Co-op at the Sheiling School. Please ring
Brett for more details.
Click here for meetings after that or ring 01454-412165.
The Grow Your Own Food group
also has an email group; to subscribe email
Thu 19 July: South Glos Environment Forum on
Community Energy Planning.
7pm to 9pm,
Winterbourne International Academy.
Please email to if you are going.
Wed 25 July: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The
Chantry. Forum topic: Making Thornbury better.
Thu 9 August: Grow Your Own Food,
Visit to
Thornbury Harvest Co-op at
The Sheiling School, Park Road, Thornbury.
Wed 22 August: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The
Chantry. Forum topic: the energy project.
Thu 13 Sept: Grow Your Own Food group - 7:30pm.
History talk.
Wed 26 Sept: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The
Chantry. Forum topic: CSE talk on community energy
Thu 11 Oct: Grow Your Own Food group - 7:30pm.
Planning meeting, Gloucester Road.
Wed 24 October: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The
Thu 8 Nov: Grow Your Own Food group - 7:30pm.
Talk by Chris Sunderland on Grow Zones, at
Chantry, Buckingham Rm.
Wed 28 Nov: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The
Wed 12 Dec: ST Christmas social meeting, 7:30pm, The
Thu 13 Dec: Grow Your Own Food group - 7:30pm.
Social evening and quiz.