This is the first of our periodical bulletins. The idea is to inform
Sustainable Thornbury supporters what we are doing
and what we are planning. We hope you like it. We have been sending
minutes and agendas to all members, but we hope the bulletin will be easier and
more attractive to read. You won't get minutes and agendas any more unless you
come to general meetings or contact the secretary on
It is much easier and cheaper for us to circulate the bulletin by email, but
we can print it and post it to you if required.
Farming film show - Thursday 18 March
The last in our series of
talks and films
in the villages will be a film show in Falfield Village
Hall about farming on Thursday 18 March, starting 7:30pm.
The film is called "Farm For the Future", and is about
sustainable ways of farming. The film will be followed by
a discussion with an expert panel.
The February talk in Olveston by Ian Page on Peak Oil was very well
attended, and gave us pause for thought as Ian explained how
soon oil production will fall short of demand.
EcoFair - Saturday 22 May
We are holding our first
on Saturday 22nd May 2010, in
in Thornbury. Open to all, it
will be a fun way to find out about eco-living and the positive choices we can
all make towards enjoying a low carbon future. For more details
This is a major event for Sustainable Thornbury to put on, and we need the
help of members in organising the event, both before and on the day.
If you haven't responded to the request for help, we would be grateful if you would
let us know one way or the other by emailing
the secretary
or ringing 01454-416778.
EcoFair workshop - Saturday 27 March
There will be a workshop to try out some activities, make things and plan the details
at the Chantry on the afternoon of Saturday 27 March from 1pm to 5pm. Please bring some
lunch to share. These events are usually good fun, and all willing hands are welcome.
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away Day - Sunday 13 June
This year will be our third
Take-It-Away Day.
It will be an opportunity for the people of the Thornbury area to pass
on their unwanted but usable goods, and a chance to pick up some goodies for
free. It will be in Thornbury's Rock St car park.
The provisional date is Sunday June 13th, but we may change this - watch
for publicity or check on the website nearer the date.
Thornbury local food veg boxes
Some members of ST
have been working with others for some time towards setting up a
food scheme in Thornbury. It will start off as a vegetable
box scheme and we are expecting to start producing boxes this summer.
We are now at the stage when we need to know who is interested in
joining in, so if you want to buy good local food and support local
growers please read on and let us know you are interested. This is an
exciting chance to be in at the beginning of a new sustainable
For the moment, we only need to know whether you are
interested, so you are not making a commitment at this stage. If you are
interested please email to
by Monday 15 March, saying whether you are mildly interested,
interested, keen or very keen.
ST general meetings are on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm at The Chantry.
The next three meetings are Wed 17 March, Wed 21 April and Wed 19 May. All are welcome.
The Grow Your Own Food group has a meeting most months.
Click here for details.
See under Notices below for details of the spring community orchard pruning.
Tip of the Month - Bottle Out
Did you know that to make a gallon of mineral water, two more gallons
must be used in purification processes? Give water resources a break
and drink tap water instead - a penny buys enough to fill 50 glasses,
so it's also much better value than expensive bottled brands.
"Food Inc" film show
Two members of Transition Minchinhampton saw the film
Food Inc
in Bath (it was sold out, having premiered in the UK the previous week) and they
felt they had to show it in Minchinhampton. They said, "For anyone who
eats food, seeing this film is a must"! It was the biggest selling DVD
in the US last year and we feel everyone should realise how food is being
The film will be shown in Minchinhampton Market House on Tuesday 6 March
starting 7:30pm. See the
poster (PDF 530KB).
To book, email
or ring 01453 885707.
Community Orchard Pruning Day
There will be a pruning day on Sunday 28 March 2pm to 4pm, to learn and practise pruning
of fruit trees, in the Community Orchard opposite The Anchor pub in Gloucester Road, Thornbury
Environment Forum - Wednesday 10 March
South Gloucestershire Council is holding an Environment Forum on Wednesday 10 March
at the Ridgewood Conference Centre, 244 Station Road, Yate from 7pm to 9pm. The topic for this
Forum is street lighting and the pilot project in Charfield to turn off street lights in the
middle of the night.
If you would like to go please email
Film "The Last of the Honeybees" on TV channel More 4 Tuesday 2 March 10pm
Major pollinators like the honeybees and bats are disappearing and /or dying and this raises serious ecological issues , not least for our food supply.
If you missed this important film in November, this is another chance to see it.