Local smallholding visit
There will be a visit to Jules Moore's smallholding at
Mumbleys Farmhouse, Sweetwater Lane near
Alveston on Friday 18th
June starting at 10:30am. Jules keeps and breeds a range of rare breeds (including poultry, cattle, sheep, pigs and bees),
and she runs courses on smallholding.
The cost of the visit will be £4 each, including refreshments.
All are welcome, but we need to know names in advance. There are limited places, so
please email names to
the secretary
or ring 01454-416604 to book places.
Help needed on stalls
We are planning to have a number of stalls at local events this summer. Please come and help if you can,
even if its only for an hour. The proposed dates so far are:
Sat 19 June at the Food Fair, Thornbury, 9am to 2pm;
Sat 19 June at St Helen's Primary School fete from lunchtime;
Sat 4 Sept at Alveston Parish show in the afternoon.
To offer help please email
the secretary
or ring 01454-416604
The dates of future ST general meetings have been changed. From July they will be on the
fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm at
Chantry. This changes the date from the third Wednesday, as was previously published,
so please change your diary.
The next three meetings are Wed 16 June, Wed 28 July and Wed 25 August.
All are welcome to all our meetings.
Grow Your Own Food
Grow Your Own Food group
has a meeting most months, usually on a Thursday.
The next meeting is a visit to a field garden on Thursday 10 June.
Please ring 414611 for more details.
Click here for meetings after that or ring 01454-412165.
Saturday workshop
There will be a Saturday workshop on Sat 17 July at the Chantry, 1pm to 5pm. The topics are
likely to include drinking water, waste, housing and the EcoFair.
These workshops are great fun, informative and creative. All are welcome; please bring some
food to share for lunch.
Marlwood School
We want to run two sustainable activity days with Marlwood School this summer on 28 June and 1 July.
We have a team planning the activities, but they need help on the days. If you would be
interested in helping please
email the secretary
or ring 01454-416604.
The EcoFair was a fantastic success, and very well run, thanks to everyone who
helped with the planning, on the day and with the clearing up. There are reviews
and photos on the
EcoFair website pages
- please email further photos to
Alan and feedback to
Over 750 people came (plus the 120 stallholders and helpers), and saw lots of ways to be
more environment-friendly and still have a good time. It was a perfect, hot,
sunny May day, and there was a relaxed feeling of community. We were entertained by
wonderful local talent, and the children had a whale of a time without buying anything
or using electricity or batteries.
We had 40 excellent entries for the card competition. The entrants were aged from 2.5 years to adult.
The six winners have received their prizes and all the cards were displayed in
the St Mary's Shopping Centre in Thornbury.
New officers
Our AGM was in May, and we now have several new officers. Paula Hunt is chair, Freddie Keey
is secretary, Bob Dale is treasurer and Derry Jordan is membership secretary. We thank the outgoing officers
for the work they have put in keeping the group running in the previous very busy year.
Membership subscriptions
The AGM decided to start charging for membership, in order to raise funds and make
membership mean something. The subscription will be £5 for individuals or £8 for a household
per year. We shall be writing to members about this later in the year. We hope no-one will feel this
deters them from being a member.
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away Day postponed
We have decided to delay
Give-It-Away Take-It-Away Day
this year. We did not have anyone to
organise it or enough volunteer stewards to manage it in June. We will consider doing it
later in the year (possibly 19 September), and will think about other ways to reuse goods that charity shops cannot take.
Now that we have run the day twice, it is fairly straightforward to set up. We are
looking for an individual, a team or an organisation to join with us to take on the arrangements
for the next Give-It-Away Take-It-Away day. Anyone interested please telephone Bob on 01454 415345.
Thornbury CSA local food scheme
Thornbury CSA,
our local food scheme, is up and running, and
is now a separate organisation. It has held an Inaugural Meeting, approved a constitution and
has members.
They do not have vegetables yet, but should have by July.
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, the term used for consumers working with
farmers and growers to grow and eat local food.
This is an exciting chance to be in at the beginning of a new sustainable project.
The plan now is for members to collect and weigh their share of the vegetables each week.
The vegetables will cost about £10 each week for a standard share, but different sizes will
be available. The annual membership subscription is £10, and you can join without buying
vegetables if you want to support the scheme or keep in touch with it. We still need more
people, so please pass this message on if you know someone local who may be interested.
They will soon be contacting all those who expressed an interest with more news.
If you did not respond before and want to buy good local
food and support local growers please
or ring 01454 416778.